Conference Programme
Keynote Invited Speakers Refereed Papers Workshops Tutorials W3C Track Panels Developer Track Satellite Meetings
The conference has had a record number of submitted proposals for workshops,
tutorials, research papers and invited speakers from academics and
industrialists throughout the world. The conference organisers have assembled
a rich and exciting programme that covers all the important topics for anyone
with an interest in the World Wide Web, whether they are the CEO of a major
corporation or a student studying for their PhD.
The conference programme has been specifically designed to allow people to
attend the full programme or to select specific theme days of interest. Each
day covers an important issue such as successful web businesses, the media,
science, education, security, health, and society. Please look at the
individual theme days listed on the left for details.
Lists of workshops, tutorials and invited speakers are available.
Below are various views of the expected structure of the conference
programme as a whole, more details will be added in the coming weeks
including a programme of sessions for web developers, the exhibition area,
a poster track and panels. Details of the selected research papers will
be made available. The selection process is complete and we are in the
process of allocating papers to session slots.
Exact scheduling is subject to change.
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Week View,
Friday. Week View
| Monday 22nd May | Tuesday 23rd May | Wednesday 24th May | Thursday 25th May | Friday 26th May | | K E Y N O T E | | Opening Ceremony. Plenary Session, The New Economy | Technical Conference Opening. The Next Wave Web: Plenary Panel | Solving Global Problems with Global Resources: Plenary Keynote | The Impact of the Web on Health and Society: Plenary Keynotes Closing Plenary & Handover to WWW2007 Committee | K E Y N O T E |
I N V I T E D S P E A K E R S | | Successful web based business - Web Sites Impact of the Web on Advertising Globalisation Successful web based business - Intermidiaries Impact of the Web on Publishing Impact of the Web on Media & Entertainment New business models - adapting traditional business, creating a new business - Panel Impact of the Web on Media & Entertainment | Impact of the Web on Networks The Next Wave Web - Business Applications Opportunities for the Mobile/Pervasive Web Impact of the Web on Devices and interfaces Opportunities for the Semantic Web Opportunities for the Mobile/Pervasive Web Impact of the Web on Applications Analyst and Investment Community viewpoint Opportunities for the Mobile/Pervasive Web - Panel | Education and information Security Global Science Security Global Science Security - Panel Global Finance | Web based Support for Healthcare Professionals Impact of the Web on Society Web based Support for Healthcare Professionals Health - Patients and the Web Impact of the Web on Intellectual Property Health - Quality Health Information on the Web Impact of the Web on Society | I N V I T E D S P E A K E R S |
R E F E R E E D P A P E R S | | Semantic Technology - A European Perspective | Ontologies Adaptivity & Mobility Search Spam XML Developing Regions & Peer-to-Peer Browsers E-Communities Semantic Tagging Web Mining Developing Regions 2 | Industrial Practice & Experience Correctness & Security Search Engineering E-Learning & Scientific Applications High Availability Search Engine Mining Social Networks Validation New Search Paradigms | Ontology Construction Security, Privacy & Ethics Data Mining Semi-structured semantic data Performance, Reliability & Scalability Data Mining Classification E-Commerce & E-Government Semantic Services Improved Ranking | R E F E R E E D P A P E R S |
W O R K S H O P S | | | | | | W O R K S H O P S |
T U T O R I A L S | | | | | | T U T O R I A L S |
W 3 C T R A C K | | | Mobile Web Initiative Rich Web Applications Web Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 | The Web Everywhere Web Service: Towards the Next Steps Newest XML tools: Queries, Transformations | Advancements in Semantic Web Style and Layout Challenges in Web Security | W 3 C T R A C K |
P A N E L S | | | | Meaning on the Web: Evolution or Intelligent Design? Identity Management on Converged Networks: A Reality Check | Phoiling Phishing | P A N E L S |
D E V E L O P E R T R A C K | | | Next Wave (Business) Next Wave (2) Next Wave (3) | Semantic Web (1) Semantic Web (2) XML | Security Mobile Late Breaking News | D E V E L O P E R T R A C K |
S A T E L L I T E M E E T I N G S | | | | | | S A T E L L I T E M E E T I N G S |
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Week View,
Monday 22nd May9:00-10:30 | JISC Repositories and Information Environment (details) Continued after lunch. | 2nd Workshop on Innovations in Web Infrastructure (IWI2) (details) Continued after lunch. | Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM) (details) Continued after lunch. | Evaluating Ontologies for the Web (EON2006) (details) Continued after lunch. | 3rd W4A International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility (details) Continued after lunch. | The 3rd IIWeb Interdisciplinary Workshop for Information Integration on the Web (details) Continued after lunch. | Models of Trust for the Web (MTW) (details) Continued after lunch. | Collaborative Web Tagging (details) Continued after lunch. | BCSWomen and Women@CL Career Development Workshop 2006 (details) Continued after lunch. | Reasoning on the Web (RoW06) (details) Continued after lunch. | Break | | | | | | | | | | | 11:00-12:30 | | | | | | | | | | | Lunch | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14:00-15:30 | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | Break | | | | | | | | | | | 16:00-17:30 | | | | | | | | | | | Track: | Satellite Meetings | Workshops | Satellite Meetings | Workshops |
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Week View,
Friday. Tuesday 23rd May9:00-10:30 | Opening Ceremony. Plenary Session, The New EconomyFollowed by the Plenary Keynote Speaker: David Brown (Motorola) | Break | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 11:00-12:30 | Successful web based business - Web Sites | Impact of the Web on Advertising | Globalisation | Current Best Practices in Web Development and Design World Organization of Webmasters Professional Development Activity joint with Developer track (details) Continued after lunch. | Semantic Technology - A European Perspective Framework VII Funding Mr Horst Forster (European Commission) Prof Wolfgang Wahlster (DFKI) Prof Dieter Fensel (DERI) Prof Fausto Giunchiglia (University of Trento) Prof Frank Van Harmelen (Free University of Amsterdam) | MobEA IV - Empowering the Mobile Web (details) Continued after lunch. | IPTV services over World Wide Web (details) Continued after lunch. | The E-Government: Barriers and Opportunities (details) Continued after lunch. | IntraWebs 2006 (details) Continued after lunch. | Logging Traces of Web Activity: The Mechanics of Data Collection (details) Continued after lunch. | Open Source Software - A Collaboration Platform for Web (details) Continued after lunch. | Third Annual Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem (details) Continued after lunch. | Identity, Reference and the Web (details) Continued after lunch. | Current Best Practices in Web Development and Design World Organization of Webmasters Professional Development Activity joint with Tutorials' track (details) Continued after lunch. | Lunch | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14:00-15:30 | Successful web based business - Intermidiaries | Impact of the Web on Publishing | Impact of the Web on Media & Entertainment | ...continued | 3rd W4A International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility (Developers and Practice followup) (details) | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | ...continued | Break | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 16:00-17:30 | New business models - adapting traditional business, creating a new business - Panel | Impact of the Web on Media & EntertainmentPaul Jessop (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) | | | | | | | | | | | | | Track: | Invited Speakers | Tutorials | Workshops | Developer Track |
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Week View,
Friday. Wednesday 24th May9:00-10:30 | Technical Conference Opening. The Next Wave of the Web: Plenary PanelIntroduction by: Charles Hughes (BCS), John White (ACM), Conference Programme Committee Chairs | Break | | | | | | | | | | | | 11:00-12:30 | Impact of the Web on Networks | Opportunities for the Semantic Web - Business Applications | Opportunities for the Mobile/Pervasive Web | Ontologies Chair: Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento, Italy | Adaptivity & Mobility Chair: Eric Brewer, Intel Research Berkeley, USA | Fighting Search Spam Chair: Ziv Bar-Yossef, Technion, Israel | Mobile Web Initiative Chair: Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (W3C) | Introduction to Semantic Web (details) | Scalable architectures and services for ubiquitous web access (details) | Foundations and challenges of web advertising (details) | Next Wave (Business) Chair: Rohit Khare, CommerceNet | Lunch | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14:00-15:30 | Impact of the Web on Devices and interfaces | Opportunities for the Semantic Web - Research & Development | Opportunities for the Mobile/Pervasive Web | XML Chair: Monika Solanki, De Montfort University, UK | Developing Regions & Peer-to-Peer Chair: Kentaro Toyama, Microsoft Research India, IndiaSee also extra session (next) currently timetabled in Tutorial slot | Browsers Chair: Krishna Bharat, Google Inc., USA | Rich Web Applications Chair: Dean Jackson (W3C) | Languages for Developing Multimodal Applications (details) | Introduction to Video Search Engines (details) | | Next Wave (2) Chair: Danny Ayers, Independent DeveloperThese presentations may swap with those from Next Wave (3) | Break | | | | | | | | | | | | 16:00-17:30 | Opportunities for the Semantic Web - Business Applications | Analyst and Investment Community viewpoint | Opportunities for the Mobile/Pervasive Web - Panel | E-Communities Chair: Bertram Ludaescher, University of California, Davis | User Interfaces: Semantic Tagging Chair: Yoelle Maarek, IBM Research, Haifa, Israel | Mining the Web Chair: Dmitri Pavlov, Yahoo Research, USA | Web Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Chair: Shawn Henry (W3C) | | | Developing Regions 2 | Next Wave (3) Chair: Danny Ayers, Independent DeveloperThese presentations may swap with those from Next Wave (2) | Track: | Invited Speakers | Refereed Papers | W3C Track | Tutorials | Refereed Papers | Developer Track |
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Week View,
Friday. Thursday 25th May9:00-10:30 | Solving Global Problems with Global Resources: Plenary KeynoteTony Hey (Snr Vice President, Microsoft) | Break | | | | | | | | | | | | 11:00-12:30 | Education and information | Security | Meaning on the Web: Evolution or Intelligent Design? | Industrial Practice & Experience Chair: Marc Najork, Microsoft Research, USA | Correctness & Security Chair: Harry Halpin, University of Edinburgh, UK | Search Engine Engineering Chair: David Lowe, University of British Columbia, Canada | The Web Everywhere Chair: Max Froumentin (W3C) | Internet Crime (details) | Secure Authentication (details) | Developer Tutorial: Microformats developer tutorial, Molly E Holzschlag (details) | | Lunch | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14:00-15:30 | Global Science | Security | Identity Management on Converged Networks: A Reality Check | E-Learning & Scientific Applications Chair: Wolfgana Nejdl, L3S and University of Hannover, Germany | High Availability & Performance Chair: Mustaque Ahamad, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA | Web Mining with Search Engines Chair: Susan Dumais, Microsoft Research, USA | Web Services: Towards the Next Steps Chair: Hugo Haas (W3C) | Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture: Futures (details) | Web-Based Systems for Distance Education and e-Learning (details) | Semantic Web (1) Chair: Jim Hendler, MINDSWAPThese presentations may swap with those from Semantic Web (2) | | Break | | | | | | | | | | | | 16:00-17:30 | Global Science | Security - Panel | Global Science | Social Networks Chair: Carole Goble, University of Manchester, UK | Web Engineering: Validation Chair: Martin Gaedke, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany | New Search Paradigms Chair: Ravi Kumar, Yahoo!, Inc., USA | Newest XML tools: Queries, Transformations Chair: Liam Quin (W3C) | | | Semantic Web (2) Chair: Jim Hendler, MINDSWAPThese presentations may swap with those from Semantic Web (2) | XML Chair: Liam Quin, W3CJoint with W3C session | Track: | Invited Speakers | Refereed Papers | W3C Track | Tutorials | Developer Track |
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Week View,
Friday. Friday 26th May9:00-10:30 | The Impact of the Web on Health and Society: Plenary Keynotes | Break | | | | | | | | | | | | 11:00-12:30 | Web based Support for Healthcare ProfessionalsJohn Loonsk (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in Health and Human Services) | Impact of the Web on Society | Web based Support for Healthcare Professionals | Semantic Web: Ontology Constuction Chair: Peter Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research, USA | Security, Privacy & Ethics Chair: Ari Juels, RSA Laboratories, USA | Data Mining Chair: Mehran Sahami, Google Inc., USA | Advancements in Semantic Web Chair: Eric Miller (W3C) | Semantic Web Rules with Ontologies, and their E-Services Applications (details) | Internationalizing XHTML, HTML and CSS Web Content (details) | Developer tutorial: XForms for Web Applications John Boyer (details) | | Lunch | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 14:00-15:30 | Health - Patients and the Web | Impact of the Web on Intellectual Property | Phoiling Phishing | Semi-structured Semantic Data Chair: Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester, UK | Performance, Reliability & Scalability Chair: Craig Wills, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA | Data Mining Classification Chair: Soumen Chakrabati, IIT Bombay, India | Style and Layout: key successes to Create Interoperable Web Pages Chair: Bert Bos (W3C) | Semantic Web 2.0: Creating Social Semantic Information Spaces (details) | Semantics for Health/Life Science (details) | Security Chair: Philip Hallam-Baker, Verisign, USA | Mobile Chair: James Pearce, Argogroup, USA | Break | | | | | | | | | | | | 16:00-17:30 | Health - Quality Health Information on the Web | Impact of the Web on Society | | E-Commerce & E-Government Chair: Mark Manasse, Microsoft Research, USA | XML & Web Services Chair: Massimo Mecella, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy | Improved Search Ranking Chair: Nick Craswell, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK | Challenges in Web Security Chair: Thomas Roessler (W3C) | | | Late Breaking News Chair: Mark Baker, Coactus | | 17:30-18:00 | Closing Plenary & Handover to WWW2007 Committee | Track: | Invited Speakers | Panels | Refereed Papers | W3C Track | Tutorials | Developer Track |
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Week View,