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Web Engineering

Here is a one-page printable PDF version of the CFP for this track.

The World Wide Web has become a major delivery platform for a variety of complex and sophisticated enterprise applications in several domains. In addition to their inherent multifaceted functionality, these Web applications exhibit complex behavior and place some unique demands on their usability, performance, security and ability to grow and evolve.

However, a vast majority of these applications continue to be developed in an ad-hoc way, contributing to problems of usability, maintainability, quality and reliability. While Web development can benefit from established practices from other related disciplines, it has certain distinguishing characteristics that demand special considerations. In the recent years, there have been some developments towards addressing these problems and requirements. As an emerging discipline, Web Engineering actively promotes systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches towards successful development of high-quality, ubiquitously usable Web-based systems and applications.

The Web Engineering track aims to present new developments in this area. It covers processes, methodologies, systems design, architectures and lifecycle management of small, medium and large Web-based systems and applications. The track is also meant to be a forum to present illustrative case studies and best practices of Web application development.

The topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

Paper formatting requirements are provided on the submissions page.

Track Chair: San Murugesan (Southern Cross University, Australia)

Deputy Chair: Oscar Pastor Lopez (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)

Program Committee:
