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Industrial Practice and Experience

Here is a one-page printable PDF version of the CFP for this track.

Building robust systems and services that are deployed on the Web or that make use of Web data present a series of interesting challenges to practitioners. Such challenges range broadly from appropriately scaling algorithms to Web-scale data, to dealing effectively with large numbers of distributed users, to robustly operating in adversarial situations where intentional misinformation (e.g., cloaking, spamming, etc.) is provided on the Web. In many cases, adequately addressing such practical issues can make critical differences in the viability and ultimate success of a Web-based system.

The Industrial Practice and Experience track invites submissions reporting on research and development addressing practical issues encountered in developing Web-based systems. This includes both theoretical and applied research on a variety of topics, a representative (but, by no means exhaustive) sampling of which includes:

Paper formatting requirements are provided on the submissions page.

Track Chair: Mehran Sahami (Google, USA)

Deputy Chair: Kobus van der Merwe (AT&T Labs - Research, USA)

Program Committee
