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Next Generation Web Services in Practice

Time: Tuesday, May 8 (half-day, morning, 8:30am to noon)

Location: Norquay


As Web services continue to be realised in deployment, enterprising Web and application developers create new and innovative applications with their data. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is the next step in software development, leveraging XML technologies and Web services, and driven by Business Process Management (BPM).

With SOA, developers are creating mashups, applications that combine data from multiple services to create something new. This tutorial covers standardized Web service technologies, both the current landscape and futures, and how they "mash" into SOA. The creation of a SOA mashup is chronicled, where Web service standards are applied to enable users to create their own mashups by swapping services, or even by picking and choosing data. This is demonstrated using an implementation of a Document Service Bus, an SOA mashup that uses dynamic rendered documents as a rich user interface and is entirely driven by these Web technologies.

Prerequisite Knowledge:

Base knowledge of XML, SOAP, WSDL and moderate knowledge of the rest of the WS landscape

Presenter: Charlton Barreto (Adobe Systems, Inc.)

Charlton Barreto works on the cross-stack architecture of Adobe Systems' LiveCycle Platform, and is responsible for developing web service collaboration specifications, including WS-Choreography and WSBPEL. Charlton has worked extensively on a number of specifications in the JCP (most recently JEE 5), W3C (most recently WS-Choreography and WS-Policy), and OASIS (most recently WS-RX and WS-TX). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia University where his research focus was in the area of distributed systems and network management. Prior to joining Adobe, Charlton has worked for a number of years in architecting, designing and developing highly distributed systems, including the implementation of collaboration, composition and orchestration runtime platforms.
