Saturday, May 12, 2007: The World Wide Web and You

RoomShaughnessyBeattyColemanTheatrePetrakNew BrunswickAlberta
8:30am to 10:00am
WWW2007 Announcements and Plenary Speaker: Dick Hardt (SXIP Identity)
An Identity Story (Van Horne Ballroom) - details
10:30am to 12 noon
Semantic Web
4 of 5 (Ontologies)
E* Applications
1 of 2 (E-Communities)
Developers Track
Web Data 1 - details
Industry Talks
Web Enterprises - details
Web History Display
Security, Privacy, Reliability, and Ethics
2 of 3 (Passwords and Phishing)
7 of 7 (Personalization)
lunch break       
1:30pm to 3:00pm
Semantic Web
5 of 5 (Semantic Web and Web 2.0)
E* Applications
2 of 2 (E-Commerce and E-Content)
Developers Track
Web Data 2 - details
Industry Panel
Social Computing - details
Web History Display
Birds of a Feather (BOF) Session 1 of 2
Topic TBD - details
Data Mining
4 of 5 (Predictive Modeling of Web Users)
3:30pm to 5:00pm
Security, Privacy, Reliability, and Ethics
3 of 3 (Access Control and Trust on the Web)
Lightning Talks
Work in Progress Session (sign up during conference)
Developers Track
Social Networks and Lightning Talks - details
Sponsored Talk or Panel
Web History Display
Birds of a Feather (BOF) Session 2 of 2
Topic TBD - details
Data Mining
5 of 5 (Mining in Social Networks)
WWW2007 Closing Ceremony
5:00pm to 5:30pm