13th International WWW Conference Statue of Liberty logo At the New York, NY Sheraton on May 17-22




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Qian, W.
Poster: CC-Buddy: An Adaptive Framework for Maintaining Cache Coherency Using Peers (page 330)

Qin, J.
Poster: Ontological Representation of Learning Objects: Building Interoperable Vocabulary and Structures (page 348)

Qu, Y.
Poster: Interpreting Distributed Ontologies (page 270)
Poster: OREL: An Ontology-based Rights Expression Language (page 324)

Quan, D.
Referred Track: How to Make a Semantic Web Browser (page 255)

Quemada, J.
Alternate Track: EducaNext: A Framework for Sharing Live Educational Resources with Isabel (page 11)

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Rabinovich, M.
Referred Track: Characterization of a Large Web Site Population with Implications for Content Delivery (page 522)

Raghavachari, M.
Referred Track: A Smart Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Application Server Configuration (page 287)

Raghavachari, M.
Poster: XJ: Integration of XML Processing into Java (page 340)

Raghavan, P.
Referred Track: Anti-Aliasing on the Web (page 30)
Referred Track: Propagation of Trust and Distrust (page 403)

Ramakrishnan, G.
Referred Track: Is Question Answering an Acquired Skill? (page 111)

Ramakrishnan, I. V.
Referred Track: HearSay: Enabling Audio Browsing on Hypertext Content (page 80)
Alternate Track: CTR-S: A Logic for Specifying Contracts in Semantic Web Services (page 144)

Ramakrishnan, N.
Referred Track: Staging Transformations for Multimodal Web Interaction Management (page 212)

Ramaswamy, L.
Referred Track: Automatic Detection of Fragments in Dynamically Generated Web Pages (page 443)

Ramos, C.
Referred Track: Analyzing Client Interactivity in Streaming Media (page 534)

Rangarajan, S.
Referred Track: Session Level Techniques for Improving Web Browsing Performance on Wireless Links (page 121)

Razinkov, N.
Poster: Business Objective Based Resource Management (page 236)

Reynolds, D.
Alternate Track: Jena: Implementing the Semantic Web Recommendations (page 74)
Poster: Semantic Information Portals (page 290)

Ribeiro-Neto, B.
Referred Track: Analyzing Client Interactivity in Streaming Media (page 534)

Ricca, F.
Poster: An Agent System Reasoning about the Web and the User (page 492)

Richards, G.
Alternate Track: The Interoperability of Learning Object Repositories and Services: Standards, Implementations and Lessons Learned (page 19)
Poster: Digital Repository Interoperability: Design, Implementation and Deployment of the ECL Protocol and Connecting Middleware (page 376)

Richards, J. T.
Referred Track: Web Accessibility: A Broader View (page 72)

Riedl, J.
Referred Track: Shilling Recommender Systems for Fun and Profit (page 393)

Robles, J.
Poster: Self-Learning Web Question Answering System (page 400)

Roccetti, M.
Poster: Event Synchronization for Interactive Cyberdrama Generation on the Web: A Distributed Approach (page 226)

Rocco, D.
Poster: Efficient Web Change Monitoring with Page Digest (page 476)

Rocha, C.
Referred Track: A Hybrid Approach for Searching in the Semantic Web (page 374)

Rocha, M.
Referred Track: Analyzing Client Interactivity in Streaming Media (page 534)

Rodden, K.
Referred Track: SmartBack: Supporting Users in Back Navigation (page 63)

Rodriguez, P.
Referred Track: Session Level Techniques for Improving Web Browsing Performance on Wireless Links (page 121)

Ronen, R.
Poster: Reactive Rules Inference from Dynamic Dependency Models (page 232)

Rose, D. E.
Referred Track: Understanding User Goals in Web Search (page 13)

Rosenthal, D.
Poster: VersaTutor — Architecture for a Constraint-Based Intelligent Tutor Generator (page 474)

Rosu, M.-C.
Poster: A Survey of Public Web Services (page 312)

Rounthwaite, R.
Poster: Filtering Spam E-mail on a Global Scale (page 366)

Roussinov, D.
Poster: Self-Learning Web Question Answering System (page 400)

Roy, K.
Poster: An Efficient and Systematic Method to Generate XSLT Stylesheets for Different Wireless Pervasive Devices (page 218)

Roy, S.
Referred Track: Impact Of Search Engines On Page Popularity (page 20)
Referred Track: A Hierarchical Monothetic Document Clustering Algorithm for Summarization and Browsing Search Results (page 658)

Rutledge, L.
Poster: Structuring and Presenting Annotated Media Repositories (page 466)

Rutten, B.
Poster: HPG: A Tool for Presentation Generation in WIS (page 242)

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Saarela, S.
Poster: Clustering E-Commerce Search Engines (page 418)

Sabou, M.
Referred Track: Foundations for Service Ontologies: Aligning OWL-S to DOLCE (page 563)

Saito, S.
Poster: Are Web Pages Characterized by Color? (page 248)

Sallaberry, C.
Alternate Track: Model Based Engineering of Learning Situations for Adaptive Web Based Educational Systems (page 94)

Salminen, M.
Poster: Clustering E-Commerce Search Engines (page 418)

Salvachúa, J.
Alternate Track: EducaNext: A Framework for Sharing Live Educational Resources with Isabel (page 11)

Samaras, G.
Poster: Distributed Location Aware Web Crawling (page 468)

Samarati, P.
Poster: Spam Attacks: P2P to the Rescue (page 358)

Sánchez-Fernández, L.
Poster: Next Generation Web Technologies in Content Management (page 260)

Sanna, S.
Poster: The Web Around the Corner: Augmenting the Browser with GPS (page 318)

Sansone, C.
Poster: A Web Personalization System based on Web Usage Mining Techniques (page 288)

Sansone, L.
Poster: A Web Personalization System based on Web Usage Mining Techniques (page 288)

Sarkar, V.
Poster: XJ: Integration of XML Processing into Java (page 340)

Sartiani, C.
Poster: A Query Algebra for XML P2P Databases (page 258)

Scarano, V.
Poster: Architecture of a P2P Distributed Adaptive Directory (page 282)

Scarselli, F.
Poster: Design of a Crawler with Bounded Bandwidth (page 292)
Poster: Computing Personalized PageRanks (page 382)

Scerbakov, N.
Poster: Combining Individual Tutoring with Automatic Course Sequencing in WBT Systems (page 456)

Scheel, O.
Poster: Integrating Learning Objects into an Open Learning Environment— Evaluation of Learning Processes in an Informatics Learning Lab (page 450)

Schmitz, C.
Alternate Track: Semantic Resource Management for the Web: An E-Learning Application (page 1)

schraefel, m. c.
Referred Track: CS AKTive Space: Representing Computer Science in the Semantic Web (page 384)

Schwabe, D.
Referred Track: A Hybrid Approach for Searching in the Semantic Web (page 374)

Seaborne, A.
Alternate Track: Jena: Implementing the Semantic Web Recommendations (page 74)

Segnan, M.
Alternate Track: A Framework for the Server-Side Management of Conversations with Web Services (page 124)

Seipel, D.
Poster: Matching Web Site Structure and Content (page 286)

Sela, A.
Poster: Business Objective Based Resource Management (page 236)

Sen, S.
Referred Track: Accurate, Scalable In-Network Identification of P2P Traffic Using Application Signatures (page 512)

Seo, A.
Poster: A Scheme of Service Discovery and Control on Ubiquitous Devices (page 322)

Sereno, B.
Poster: Semi-Automatic Annotation of Contested Knowledge on the World Wide Web (page 276)

Shabajee, P.
Poster: Semantic Information Portals (page 290)

Shadbolt, N. R.
Referred Track: CS AKTive Space: Representing Computer Science in the Semantic Web (page 384)

Shadgar, B.
Referred Track: Adapting Databases and WebDAV Protocol (page 612)

Shaked, T.
Referred Track: Web-Scale Information Extraction in KnowItAll (Preliminary Results) (page 100)

Shamma, D. A.
Alternate Track: Network Arts: Exposing Cultural Reality (page 41)

Shan, M.-K.
Poster: On Mining Webclick Streams for Path Traversal Patterns (page 404)

Shanmugasundaram, J.
Referred Track: TeXQuery: A Full-Text Search Extension to XQuery (page 583)
Poster: A Storage and Indexing Framework for P2P Systems (page 388)
Poster: P-Tree: A P2P Index for Resource Discovery Applications (page 390)

Shantz, S. C.
Poster: Integrating Elliptic Curve Cryptography into the Web's Security Infrastructure (page 402)

Sharon, G.
Poster: Reactive Rules Inference from Dynamic Dependency Models (page 232)

Shen, R.
Poster: PipeCF: A Scalable DHT-based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System (page 224)

Shen, Y.
Poster: Dynamic Search in Peer-to-Peer Networks (page 332)

Sheth, A.
Referred Track: METEOR-S Web Service Annotation Framework (page 553)

Shi, W.
Poster: Keyword-based Fragment Detection for Dynamic Web Content Delivery (page 298)

Shih, L. K.
Referred Track: Using URLs and Table Layout for Web Classification Tasks (page 193)

Shintani, T.
Poster: Implementing a Proxy Agent based Writable Web for a Dynamic Information Sharing System (page 256)
Poster: On a Web Browsing Support System with 3D Visualization (page 316)

Shishkin, A.
Poster: ProThes: Thesaurus-based Meta-Search Engine for a Specific Application Domain (page 222)

Shmueli, O.
Poster: XJ: Integration of XML Processing into Java (page 340)

Shum, S. B.
Poster: Semi-Automatic Annotation of Contested Knowledge on the World Wide Web (page 276)

Silver, M. S.
Poster: Browser-Based Applications: Positive Transference or Interference? (page 426)

Siméon, J.
Referred Track: XQuery at Your Web Service (page 603)

Simi, M.
Poster: Best Bets: Thousands of Queries in Search of a Client (page 422)

Simões, D.
Poster: Enhancing the SCORM Metadata Model (page 238)

Simon, B.
Alternate Track: EducaNext: A Framework for Sharing Live Educational Resources with Isabel (page 11)

Simon, R.
Poster: A Multimodal Interaction Manager for Device Independent Mobile Applications (page 272)
Poster: A Generic UIML Vocabulary for Device- and Modality Independent User Interfaces (page 434)

Singal, K.
Referred Track: A Hierarchical Monothetic Document Clustering Algorithm for Summarization and Browsing Search Results (page 658)

Singh, M. P.
Poster: A Semantic Approach for Designing Business Protocols (page 308)

Sintek, M.
Alternate Track: Personalization in Distributed e-Learning Environments (page 170)

Siu, D.
Poster: Distributed Ranking over Peer-to-Peer Networks (page 356)

Skarbovsky, I.
Poster: Reactive Rules Inference from Dynamic Dependency Models (page 232)

Skogsrud, H.
Referred Track: Trust-Serv: Model-Driven Lifecycle Management of Trust Negotiation Policies for Web Services (page 53)

Skubacz, M.
Poster: Matching Web Site Structure and Content (page 286)

Smyth, G.
Referred Track: SmartBack: Supporting Users in Back Navigation (page 63)

So, E.
Referred Track: XVM: A Bridge between XML Data and Its Behavior (page 155)

Soderland, S.
Referred Track: Web-Scale Information Extraction in KnowItAll (Preliminary Results) (page 100)

Solanki, M.
Referred Track: Augmenting Semantic Web Service Description With Compositional Specification (page 544)

Sommerer, R.
Referred Track: SmartBack: Supporting Users in Back Navigation (page 63)

Song, R.
Referred Track: Learning Block Importance Models for Web Pages (page 203)

Song, Y. J.
Poster: Automatically Generating Metadata for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates (page 244)

Spatscheck, O.
Referred Track: Accurate, Scalable In-Network Identification of P2P Traffic Using Application Signatures (page 512)

Spiesser, J.
Referred Track: Optimization of HTML Automatically Generated by WYSIWYG Programs (page 355)

Spoerri, A.
Poster: MetaCrystal: Visualizing the Degree of Overlap between Different Search Engines (page 378)

Staab, S.
Referred Track: Towards the Self-Annotating Web (page 462)
Referred Track: REMINDIN': Semantic Query Routing in Peer-to-Peer Networks Based on Social Metaphors (page 640)
Poster: An Application Server for the Semantic Web (page 220)

Stash, N.
Alternate Track: Authoring of Learning Styles in Adaptive Hypermedia: Problems and Solutions (page 114)

Stebila, D.
Poster: Integrating Elliptic Curve Cryptography into the Web's Security Infrastructure (page 402)

Stent, A.
Referred Track: HearSay: Enabling Audio Browsing on Hypertext Content (page 80)

Stevens, R.
Poster: Semantic Web Applications to E-Science in silico Experiments (page 284)

Stevens, R.
Poster: DANTE: Annotation and Transformation of Web Pages for Visually Impaired Users (page 490)

Stiles, E.
Poster: SEMPL: A Semantic Portal (page 428)

Stolz, C.
Poster: Matching Web Site Structure and Content (page 286)

Stuckenschmidt, H.
Referred Track: Index Structures and Algorithms for Querying Distributed RDF Repositories (page 631)

Stumme, G.
Alternate Track: Semantic Resource Management for the Web: An E-Learning Application (page 1)

Su, J.
Referred Track: Analysis of Interacting BPEL Web Services (page 621)

Sugiyama, K.
Referred Track: Adaptive Web Search Based on User Profile Constructed without Any Effort from Users (page 675)

Sumiya, K.
Poster: TV2Web: Generating and Browsing Web with Multiple LOD from Video Streams and Their Metadata (page 398)

Surana, A. P.
Referred Track: Improving Web Browsing on Wireless PDAs Using Thin-Client Computing (page 143)

Suzuki, H.
Poster: Query and Content Suggestion Based on Latent Interest and Topic Class (page 350)

Suzuki, Y.
Poster: Automatically Collecting, Monitoring, and Mining Japanese Weblogs (page 320)

Sydow, M.
Poster: Random Surfer with Back Step (page 352)

Syeda-Mahmood, T.
Poster: Semantic API Matching for Automatic Service Composition (page 436)

Syreeni, A.
Poster: Clustering E-Commerce Search Engines (page 418)

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Taghiyareh, F.
Poster: Experiments with Persian Text Compression for Web (page 478)

Takaya, K.-I.
Poster: A Scheme of Service Discovery and Control on Ubiquitous Devices (page 322)

Tambag, Y.
Poster: EIOP— An E-Commerce Interoperability Platform (page 230)

Tan, K.-L.
Poster: Answering Similarity Queries in Peer-to-Peer Networks (page 482)

Tanaka, H.
Poster: Continuous Web: A New Image-Based Hypermedia and Scape-Oriented Browsing (page 240)

Tanaka, K.
Poster: Continuous Web: A New Image-Based Hypermedia and Scape-Oriented Browsing (page 240)

Tanaka, K.
Poster: A3: Framework for User Adaptation using XSLT (page 252)

Tanaka, K.
Poster: TV2Web: Generating and Browsing Web with Multiple LOD from Video Streams and Their Metadata (page 398)

Tanaka, K.
Poster: Time-based Contextualized-News Browser (T-CNB) (page 458)

Tanaka, Y.
Poster: C3W: Clipping, Connecting and Cloning for the Web (page 444)

Tane, J.
Alternate Track: Semantic Resource Management for the Web: An E-Learning Application (page 1)

Tang, W.
Poster: BizCQ: Using Continual Queries to Cope with Changes in Business Information Exchange (page 470)

Tangmunarunkit, H.
Poster: A Semantic Matchmaker Service on the Grid (page 326)

Tashiro, N.
Poster: Implementing a Proxy Agent based Writable Web for a Dynamic Information Sharing System (page 256)

Tempich, C.
Referred Track: REMINDIN': Semantic Query Routing in Peer-to-Peer Networks Based on Social Metaphors (page 640)

Thao, C.
Referred Track: Fine-grained, Structured Configuration Management for Web Projects (page 433)

Thomas, J. C.
Alternate Track: Dynamic Assembly of Learning Objects (page 162)

Tironi, A.
Poster: Spam Attacks: P2P to the Rescue (page 358)

Tomita, J.
Poster: Graph-based Text Database for Knowledge Discovery (page 454)

Tomkins, A.
Referred Track: Anti-Aliasing on the Web (page 30)
Referred Track: Sic Transit Gloria Telae: Towards an Understading of the Web's Decay (page 328)
Referred Track: Propagation of Trust and Distrust (page 403)
Referred Track: Information Diffusion Through Blogspace (page 491)

Tomlin, J. A.
Referred Track: Ranking the Web Frontier (page 309)

Tracey, J.
Referred Track: A Method for Transparent Admission Control and Request Scheduling in E-Commerce Web Sites (page 276)

Triola, M.
Poster: ResEval: A Web-based Evaluation System for Internal Medicine House Staff (page 336)

Tsai, C.-H.
Referred Track: Securing Web Application Code by Static Analysis and Runtime Protection (page 40)

Tsoi, A. C.
Poster: Computing Personalized PageRanks (page 382)

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Vadrevu, S.
Poster: OntoMiner: Bootstrapping Ontologies From Overlapping Domain Specific Web Sites (page 500)

Valo, A.
Poster: A Logic-Based Semantic Web HTML Generator —A Poor Man's Publishing Approach (page 294)
Poster: Clustering E-Commerce Search Engines (page 418)

van Ossenbruggen, J.
Poster: Structuring and Presenting Annotated Media Repositories (page 466)

Varshneya, S.
Referred Track: Improving Web Browsing on Wireless PDAs Using Thin-Client Computing (page 143)

Vdovjak, R.
Referred Track: Index Structures and Algorithms for Querying Distributed RDF Repositories (page 631)
Poster: HPG: A Tool for Presentation Generation in WIS (page 242)

Verma, K.
Referred Track: METEOR-S Web Service Annotation Framework (page 553)

Vigna, S.
Referred Track: The WebGraph Framework I: Compression Techniques (page 595)

Viljanen, K.
Poster: A Logic-Based Semantic Web HTML Generator —A Poor Man's Publishing Approach (page 294)

Viljanen, K.
Poster: Clustering E-Commerce Search Engines (page 418)

Villamor-Lugo, J.
Poster: Next Generation Web Technologies in Content Management (page 260)

Vitali, F.
Referred Track: SchemaPath, a Minimal Extension to XML Schema for Conditional Constraints (page 164)

Vitolo, C.
Poster: Architecture of a P2P Distributed Adaptive Directory (page 282)

Voelker, G. M.
Referred Track: Characterization of a Large Web Site Population with Implications for Content Delivery (page 522)

Volz, R.
Poster: An Application Server for the Semantic Web (page 220)

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Wagner, M.
Alternate Track: Through Different Eyes—Assessing Multiple Conceptual Views for Querying Web Services (page 196)

Wang, D.
Referred Track: Accurate, Scalable In-Network Identification of P2P Traffic Using Application Signatures (page 512)

Wang, H.
Referred Track: A Combined Approach to Checking Web Ontologies (page 714)
Poster: Dynamic Search in Peer-to-Peer Networks (page 332)
Poster: TCOZ Approach to Semantic Web Services Design (page 442)

Wang, L.
Poster: Towards a Flash Search Engine Based on Expressive Semantics (page 472)

Wang, S.-C.
Poster: SPT-Based Topology Algorithm for Constructing Power Efficient Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (page 234)

Wang, Y.
Referred Track: Managing Versions of Web Documents in a Transaction-time Web Server (page 422)

Ward, S. G.
Poster: Browser-Based Applications: Positive Transference or Interference? (page 426)

Wasserkrug, S.
Poster: Business Objective Based Resource Management (page 236)

Watanabe, M.
Poster: A Scheme of Service Discovery and Control on Ubiquitous Devices (page 322)

Wegscheider, F.
Poster: A Multimodal Interaction Manager for Device Independent Mobile Applications (page 272)

Wegscheider, F.
Poster: A Generic UIML Vocabulary for Device- and Modality Independent User Interfaces (page 434)

Wei, D. S. L.
Poster: SPT-Based Topology Algorithm for Constructing Power Efficient Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (page 234)

Weihl, W. E.
Alternate Track: EdgeComputing: Extending Enterprise Applications to the Edge of the Internet (page 180)

Weitz, R. R.
Poster: VersaTutor — Architecture for a Constraint-Based Intelligent Tutor Generator (page 474)

Weld, D. S.
Referred Track: Web-Scale Information Extraction in KnowItAll (Preliminary Results) (page 100)

Wen, J.-R.
Referred Track: Learning Block Importance Models for Web Pages (page 203)

Wenyin, L.
Poster: Towards a Flash Search Engine Based on Expressive Semantics (page 472)

Wilkinson, K.
Alternate Track: Jena: Implementing the Semantic Web Recommendations (page 74)

Williams, C.
Referred Track: Staging Transformations for Multimodal Web Interaction Management (page 212)

Willms, J.
Alternate Track: The Interoperability of Learning Object Repositories and Services: Standards, Implementations and Lessons Learned (page 19)
Poster: Using Semantic Web Approach in Augmented Audio Reality System for Museum Visitors (page 386)

Wilts, G.
Poster: Online Feedback by Tests and Reporting for eLearning and Certification Programs with TCmanager (page 432)

Wipat, A.
Poster: Delivering Web Service Coordination Capability to Users (page 438)

Wolber, D.
Poster: Associative Sources and Agents for Zero-input Publishing (page 494)

Wollowski, M.
Poster: A Diagrammatic Inference System for the Web (page 374)

Wong, W. Y.
Poster: Site-To-Site (S2S) Searching Using the P2P Framework with CGI (page 360)

Wood, S.
Referred Track: XVM: A Bridge between XML Data and Its Behavior (page 155)

Wranik, A.
Referred Track: REMINDIN': Semantic Query Routing in Peer-to-Peer Networks Based on Social Metaphors (page 640)

Wu, B.
Poster: Lessons from a Gnutella-Web Gateway (page 502)

Wu, L.-S.
Poster: Small World Peer Networks in Distributed Web Search (page 396)

Wu, Z.
Poster: Automatic Extraction of Web Search Interfaces for Interface Schema Integration (page 414)

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Xi, B.
Referred Track: A Smart Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Application Server Configuration (page 287)

Xi, W.
Referred Track: Link Fusion: A Unified Link Analysis Framework for Multi-Type Interrelated Data Objects (page 319)
Poster: The PowerRank Web Link Analysis Algorithm (page 254)

Xia, C. H.
Referred Track: A Smart Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Application Server Configuration (page 287)

Xiao, Z.
Referred Track: Characterization of a Large Web Site Population with Implications for Content Delivery (page 522)

Xie, B.
Poster: PipeCF: A Scalable DHT-based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System (page 224)

Xu, J.
Poster: Scheduling Web Requests in Broadcast Environments (page 280)

Xue, G.-R.
Poster: Similarity Spreading: A Unified Framework for Similarity Calculation of Interrelated Objects (page 460)

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Yamada, Y.
Poster: Testbed for Information Extraction from Deep Web (page 346)

Yamaguchi, T.
Poster: On a Web Browsing Support System with 3D Visualization (page 316)

Yan, S.
Referred Track: Link Fusion: A Unified Link Analysis Framework for Multi-Type Interrelated Data Objects (page 319)

Yang, F.
Poster: PipeCF: A Scalable DHT-based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System (page 224)

Yang, G.
Referred Track: HearSay: Enabling Audio Browsing on Hypertext Content (page 80)

Yang, H.
Poster: FADA:Find All Distinct Answers (page 304)

Yang, J.
Poster: Towards a Flash Search Engine Based on Expressive Semantics (page 472)

Yates, A.
Referred Track: Web-Scale Information Extraction in KnowItAll (Preliminary Results) (page 100)

Yesilada, Y.
Poster: DANTE: Annotation and Transformation of Web Pages for Visually Impaired Users (page 490)

Yin, X.
Referred Track: Using Link Analysis to Improve Layout on Mobile Devices (page 338)

Yip, A.
Poster: The Effects of Different Types of Site Maps on User's Performance in an Information-Searching Task (page 368)

Yoshikawa, M.
Referred Track: Adaptive Web Search Based on User Profile Constructed without Any Effort from Users (page 675)

Youssefi, A. H.
Poster: Visual Web Mining (page 394)

Yu, C.
Poster: Automatic Extraction of Web Search Interfaces for Interface Schema Integration (page 414)
Poster: Clustering E-Commerce Search Engines (page 416)

Yu, F.
Referred Track: Securing Web Application Code by Static Analysis and Runtime Protection (page 40)

Yu, P. S.
Poster: On the Temporal Dimension of Search (page 448)

Yu, Y.
Poster: Similarity Spreading: A Unified Framework for Similarity Calculation of Interrelated Objects (page 460)

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Zaki, M. J.
Poster: Visual Web Mining (page 394)

Zaniboni, L.
Poster: Spam Attacks: P2P to the Rescue (page 358)

Zedan, H.
Referred Track: Augmenting Semantic Web Service Description With Compositional Specification (page 544)

Zeng, H.-J.
Poster: Similarity Spreading: A Unified Framework for Similarity Calculation of Interrelated Objects (page 460)

Zeng, L.
Alternate Track: QoS Computation and Policing in Dynamic Web Service Selection (page 66)

Zhang, B.
Poster: Affinity Rank: A New Scheme for Efficient Web Search (page 338)
Referred Track: Link Fusion: A Unified Link Analysis Framework for Multi-Type Interrelated Data Objects (page 319)
Poster: The PowerRank Web Link Analysis Algorithm (page 254)

Zhang, D.
Referred Track: Web Taxonomy Integration using Support Vector Machines (page 472)

Zhang, L.
Referred Track: A Smart Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Application Server Configuration (page 287)
Poster: SLA Based Profit Optimization in Web Systems (page 462)

Zhang, N.
Poster: An Automatic Semantic Relationships Discovery Approach (page 278)

Zhang, W.
Poster: Lessons from a Gnutella-Web Gateway (page 502)

Zhang, X.
Poster: Gossip Based Streaming (page 250)
Poster: OREL: An Ontology-based Rights Expression Language (page 324)

Zhao, J.
Poster: Semantic Web Applications to E-Science in silico Experiments (page 284)

Zheng, L.
Poster: An Automatic Semantic Relationships Discovery Approach (page 278)

Zhou, A.
Poster: CC-Buddy: An Adaptive Framework for Maintaining Cache Coherency Using Peers (page 330)

Zhou, D.
Referred Track: Flexible On-Device Service Object Replication with Replets (page 131)

Zhou, N.
Poster: XML Data Mediator Integrated Solution for XML Roundtrip from XML to Relational (page 424)

Zhuge, H.
Poster: Active E-Course for Constructivist Learning (page 246)
Poster: Modeling the Growth of Future Web (page 274)
Poster: An Automatic Semantic Relationships Discovery Approach (page 278)
Poster: A Novel Heterogeneous Data Integration Approach for P2P Semantic Link Network (page 334)

Zien, J.
Referred Track: Mining Anchor Text for Query Refinement (page 666)

Zwaenepoel, W.
Referred Track: A Method for Transparent Admission Control and Request Scheduling in E-Commerce Web Sites (page 276)