In this section we provide four different ways to start up the running of the full set of 20 animated logos (from Geneva to Hyderabad):

Either of the first two can be used with native SVG support in Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Firefox

Currently, IE5/6/7/8 does not support SVG directly. To view the animations in IE it is necessary to download the Adobe SVG Plugin. Using either of the last two alternatives will then work if set up to open .svg files with IE.

The fixed 1024 by 768 version gives just that. The other version fits the image to the size of the window but retains the correct aspect ratio.

IE9 is starting to provide SVG support but, at the moment, it does not support the SVG animation elements.

Different PCs, different sound cards, different browsers and different operating systems all may result in different time lags between when you ask for the sound to start and when it actually starts. If the user finds that the sound does not start immediately that they click the button (and this happens with a consistent lag), it is worth making a copy of the file used above and change the element just before the end of the file:

<animate id="t00" xlink:href="#start_button" attributeType="CSS" attributeName="fill" values="yellow;yellow" 
     begin="animation_start.begin+0s" fill="freeze" dur="0.01s"/>

replacing the animation_start.begin+0s with something like animation_start.begin+0.4s until the lag is removed.

To check the quality of your PC/Browsers animation capability or to estimate the delay, the set of options above can be played with a time code in the bottom left hand corner showing time in minutes, seconds and tenths of seconds. The final digit should be changing continuously. If it goes from 3 to 6 to 9, say, that indicates your system is not managing to redraw the animation quickly enough. Most systems will start animating quite well but can deteriorate significantly near the animation end. This animation is a good Man or Boy test for the browser/PC combination.

We have also added a CD quality soundtrack for those interested in the soundtrack and for users of IE without the Adobe SVG plugin a video!