Similar to caligraphy, paint_cubic and thicken_cubic but uses the offset curves to define different types of dashed lines.

java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t5.xml t4.xml    library/curve_length.xsl
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t6.xml t5.xml    library/path_length.xsl
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t7.xml t6.xml    library/break_cubic.xsl
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t8.xml t7.xml    library/break_cubic.xsl
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t9.xml t8.xml    library/break_cubic.xsl
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t10.xml t9.xml   library/break_cubic.xsl
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o t11.xml t10.xml  library/dashed_cubic.xsl thick=5 
java -jar saxon6.jar  -o paintedcubic.svg   t11.xml  library/back_to_svg.xsl mode=abs

Each curve is split into 16 parts and then dashed. In this case, the parameter, thick=5 defines the distance from the curve of the offset curves. To illustrate what is possible, five curves are dashed. The ids of the curves are pa (green), pb (red), pc (blue), pd (brown) and pe (grey). The user can define whatever shape he can make out of the control points associated with the offset curves.

Start the animation by clicking the cyan circle.

No SVG Support

Figure 24.1: Examples of dashed_cubic drawing