Given a path made up of short cubics (splitting cubes first if necessary), the path is drawn as though by a caligraphic pen with the angle of the pen and the thickness specified

The transformation is similar to thicken_cubic but is easier to define as the offset points are defined by defining the offset (thick) and the angle at which the caligraphic pen is held (angle):

java -jar library/saxon6.jar  -o t5.xml t4.xml  library/break_cubic.xsl
java -jar library/saxon6.jar  -o t6.xml t5.xml  library/break_cubic.xsl
java -jar library/saxon6.jar  -o t7.xml t6.xml  library/break_cubic.xsl
java -jar library/saxon6.jar  -o t8.xml t7.xml  library/break_cubic.xsl
java -jar library/saxon6.jar  -o t9.xml t8.xml  library/caligraphic.xsl thick=30 angle=70

No SVG Support

Figure 21.1: Examples of caligraphic drawing

A function similar to this one was used to animate the logo for the Tokyo Conference in 2005.