General CFP
| Data Mining | Industrial Practice and Experience | Internet Monetization |
Performance, Scalability and Availability| Rich Media | Search | Security and Privacy |
| Semantic / Data Web | Social Networks and Web 2.0 | User Interfaces and Mobile Web |
|Web Engineering | WWW in Ibero-America | XML and Web Data |

| Developers Track | Panels | Posters | Tutorials | Workshops |

WWW2009 Call for Papers

The International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and Madrid municipality cordially invite you to participate in the 18th International World Wide Web Conference to be held in Madrid, the charming and cosmopolitan capital of Spain.

The World Wide Web Conference is the global event that brings together key researchers, innovators, decision-makers, technologists, businesses, and standards bodies working to shape the Web. Organized by IW3C2 since 1994, the conference series is the premier venue for academics and industry to present, demonstrate, and discuss the latest ideas about the Web, its infrastructure, relevant algorithms and new innovative applications. It is most of all an annual opportunity for the international community to discuss and debate the state and the evolution of the Web.

The technical program for the five-day conference will include refereed paper presentations, plenary sessions, panels, and poster sessions. The WWW2009 program will also include Tutorials and Workshops, a "WWW in Ibero-America" track, a W3C track, a Developers track, and Exhibitions.

Important Dates

Submission Deadlines:
(All deadlines are based on 11:59pm Hawaii time.)


October 10th, 2008

Refereed Papers:

November 3rd , 2008


November 30th, 2008


December 21st, 2008


January 11th , 2009

Developers track:

February 2nd, 2009

Acceptance Notifications:
Refereed Papers: January 20th , 2009

Refereed Papers

WWW2009 seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the Web. Papers may be submitted to the following tracks:

In addition, the conference solicits original research papers to the alternate track:

Submissions should present original results and substantial new work and can be up to 10 pages in length. Papers should properly place the work within the field, cite related work, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work and its contribution to the field, using for instance proper evaluation methods. We will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference.

General queries regarding the submission process can be sent to: program-chairs-www2009 at

All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers from an International Program Committee. Accepted papers will appear in the conference online proceedings published by the ACM Digital Library and the conference's web site. Authors of accepted papers will retain proprietary rights to their work, but will be required to sign a copyright release form (pdf file) to IW3C2.
The Program Committee will select a small number of excellent papers for fast-track journal publication in the ACM Transactions on the Web (ACM TWEB).

Please see detailed submission information and requirements from the Submission Information and Requirements page.

Here is a printable PDF version of this general CFP

Developers Track

The Developers Track will focus on the WWW development community. Participants are invited to present new code and technology, with talks ranging from 5 to 45 minutes. Demos and walk-throughs of technical "nitty-gritty" are encouraged. Please submit a 1-2 page write-up of your proposed talk, slides, or a demo (url, screenshots, or video). Focus areas include, but are not limited to, mobile web, social networking, security, health, education, science, semantic web, mash-ups, web
software/tools, and protocols. See more details from the Developers Track CFP page.

Inquiries can be sent to: developers-www2009 at


Panels should focus on emerging technologies, controversial issues, or unsolved problems in the World Wide Web community to stimulate lively, thoughtful, and thought-provoking debate. We expect the panelists to actively engage the audience and help them gain a deeper understanding of the issues. The goal of a panel is to debate and thus panels should always reflect more than one point of view.

All areas of interests to WWW participants are acceptable as a panel topic. Panel proposals will be accepted on the basis of their audience appeal, credentials of panelists, originality, and focus on disputed topics. A rolling acceptance policy will be followed: panel submissions will be considered as they arrive, and while most will receive deferred decisions, some may be immediately accepted or returned to the proposer for improvement. See more details from the Call for Panels page.

Inquiries can be sent to: panels-www2009 at


The poster track at the WWW2009 conference will continue the established tradition of providing an interaction opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and demonstrate their new and innovative work-in-progress and to obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting. It gives conference attendees a way to learn about novel on-going research projects that might not yet be complete, but whose preliminary results are already interesting. It also provides poster presenters with an excellent opportunity to receive invaluable feedback from knowledgeable sources. See more details from the Call for Posters page.

Inquiries can be sent to: posters-www2009 at


WWW2009 will host a program of tutorials covering current topics in Web technology and related issues with high relevance to conference attendees and local participants. These tutorials will be led by internationally recognized experts and experienced instructors using prepared content.

We invite tutorial proposals desired for both half-day and full-day sessions on current topics in the areas of Web design, development, services, operation, use, and evaluation. For further information, see the Call for Tutorials page.

Inquiries can be sent to: tutorials-www2009 at


WWW2009 workshops are intended to advance knowledge, research, development, and professional practice in new and emerging fields of Web activity, providing a more focused, in-depth, and interactive environment than is possible in a traditional conference session.

The goal for a workshop is to bring designers, developers, information architects, practitioners and researchers together to exchange ideas and experiences, establishing common ground in research areas or practical problems and resulting in new contacts, new opportunities for collaboration and new directions for future activity. See more details from the Call for Workshops page.

Inquiries can be sent to: workshops-www2009 at

WWW2009 general enquiries can be sent to: i-www2009 at