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Submission Information and Requirements

Refereed Papers | Panel Proposals, Poster Papers, Tutorial Proposals, and Workshop Proposals

Camera-ready versions of accepted refereed papers should follow the author instructions provided.

Refereed Papers:

Refereed Papers for WWW2008 must be submitted via the Refereed Papers Sumbission site at EasyChair. Please also note that English is the only language adopted in this conference. All papers submitted MUST be written in English. *** Refereed paper submission was closed at 11:59pm (Hawaii time) on November 1, 2007. ***

Accepted refereed papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and will also be accessible to the general public via Authors of accepted papers will be required to release copyright to the IW3C2 (See Copyright Release Form in word / pdf).

Refereed papers must be submitted as PDF documents. No other format will be accepted. It is the responsibility of all authors to produce PDF documents that can be read and printed on any platform. Please check to ensure that you can produce PDF documents well before the submission deadline. The inability to produce a PDF document will not result in an extension of the paper submission deadline.

Refereed papers must be no longer than 10 pages overall, including title, references, figures, diagrams, appendices, etc. Over-length or incorrectly formatted submissions will most likely be rejected without reviewing.

Refereed papers can be prepared using either LaTeX or Microsoft Word. (Other document preparation systems can be used, but are not recommended and no assistance will be provided in the case of problems. Authors using other document preparation systems are responsible for producing output completely equivalent to that produced using one of the methods below.) If using LaTex or Microsoft Word, the following style files must be used for submission of refereed papers and poster papers:

These are modified versions of the ACM proceedings style files. More information on the style files can be found at:

Information on ACM categories, subject descriptors, and general terms is at:

Notes for LaTeX users:

Notes for Microsoft Word users:

Inquiries about the submission process can be sent to Email contact: submissions at Any inquiries should be sent well before the submission deadline.

Panel Proposals, Poster Papers, Tutorial Proposals, and Workshop Proposals

See formatting requirements and submission instructions from the CFP pages:

Email contact: info at

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