W3C Track

Room: Paris L-1 (1st  Floor Left Wing)   

More information on W3C camps

Thursday 23rd
Mobile Widgets Camp

11:30-13:00   Opening
- Mobile Widgets and the Future of the Web(Dan Appelquist, Vodafone)
- Mobile Widgets (Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software)
- Unleashing mobile user-provided services (Telefonica)
- Selection of Topics of Discussion for the afternoon sessions

14:30-16:00  Session 1

16:30-18:00  Session 2 (including presentation of mobile widgets)

Friday 24th Social Web Camp

11:30-13:00   Opening
- Social Web at W3C (Harry Halpin, University of Edinburgh)
- FOAF update and planning (Dan Brickley, Vrije University)
- Selection of Topics of Discussion for the afternoon sessions

14:30-16:00   Session 1
16:30-18:00   Session 2 (including presentations of semantic Web tools)

Session Format

* The participants will identify 2 to 4 topics for discussion during sessions 1 and 2 each day.
* There will be places for people to gather to write code.
* Selected code will be presented (as lightning talks) during the last 20 minutes of session 2.