WWW2009 features four high-profile keynote speakers. The plenary talks take place each morning on the three days of the core conference, from Wednesday through Friday. These plenary talks take place in main Auditorium, and are intended for all WWW2009 attendees.
The plenary talk program for WWW2009 is as follows:

(Wednesday April 22)

  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee
    Director, World Wide Web Consortium
    “Twenty Years: Looking Forward, Looking Back”

  • (Thursday April 23)

  • Dr. Alfred Z. Spector
    VP Research and Special Initiatives, Google, Inc.
    “The Continuing Metamorphosis of the Web”  

  • (Friday April 24)

  • Dr. Pablo Rodriguez
    Internet Scientific Director, Telefonica R&D
    “Web Infrastructure for the 21st Century”

  • Dr. Ricardo Baeza-Yates
    Yahoo! Research, Barcelona, Spain
    ”Mining the Web 2.0 for Better Search”

  • Keynote Abstracts