Developer’s Track
(Room Londres/L2, second floor)Abstracts | Developer’s Track Proceedings
Developers Track Program
Wednesday 22 Room L-211:45-13:15 Invited Talk Session
- Welcome to Day 1: Cong Yu and Raoul-Sam Daruwala
- Invited Talk "Socializing Big Data"
(Jeff Hammerbacher, Cloudera) - "WebNC: efficient sharing of web applications"
(Laurent Denoue, Scott Carter, John Adcock and Gene Golovchinsky,
12:30-16:00 Development I (New Programming Environments)
- "Will an easy to use language attract content experts?"
(Kevin Miller, Revolution - "Intrusive unit testing for Web applications"
(Philippe Poulard, - "Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming"
(Geetha Manjunath, Thara S, Hitesh Bosamiya, Santhi Guntupalli, Vinay Kumar and Ragu Raman G.,
16:30-18:00 Mashing Up Solutions to Old Problems
- "The Future of Vertical Search Engines with Yahoo!"
(Boss Ted DRAKE, Yahoo! France) - "CentMail: Rate Limiting via Certified Micro-Donations"
(Sharad Goel, Jake Hofman, John Langford, David Pennock and Daniel Reeves Yahoo! Inc.) - "Combining multi-level audio descriptors via web identification and aggregation"
(Jun Wang, Xavier Amatriain and David Garcia Garzon. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Telefonica Research)
11:30-13:00 Invited Talk Session
- Welcome to Day 2: Cong Yu and Raoul-Sam Daruwala
- Invited Talk "Making social networks more useful: Aardvark Social Search"
(Nathan Stoll, Aardvark ) - "The Web, Smart and Fast".
(Olivier Rossel,
14:30-16:00 Development II (Performance and Scalability)
- "Web data processing with MapReduce and Hadoop"
(Tom White and Christophe Bisciglia, Cloudera) - "Bootstrapping Web Pages for Accessibility and Performance"
(Clint Hall, Cerner Corporation) - "YUI 3: Faster, Lighter, Easier"
(Matt Sweeney, Yahoo! Inc.)
16:30-18:00 Semantic Web
- "DBpedia A Linked Data Hub and Data Source for Web Applications and Enterprises"
(Georgi Kobilarov, Chris Bizer, S. Auer and Jens Lehmann, Freie Universitat Berlin, Universitat Leipzig) - "A Semantic Web Ready Service Language for Large-Scale Earth Science Archives"
(Peter Baumann, Jacobs University Bremen) - "A new tool to improve the filtering options in advanced searching"
(Fernando Moreno-Torres, MTC Soft)
11:30-13:00 Search
- "Query Portals"(Sanjay Agrawal, Kaushik Chakrabarti, Surajit Chaudhuri, Venkatesh Ganti, Arnd Konig and Dong Xin, Microsoft Research)
- "Towards Distributed Social Search Engines" (Josep M. Pujol and Pablo Rodriguez, Telefonica Research)
- "Integration at Web-Scale: Scalable Agent Technology for Enabling Structured Vertical Search"(Govind Kabra and Kevin Chang)
- "Query GeoParser: A Spatial-Keyword Query Parser Using Regular Expressions"
(Jason Hines and Tony Abou-Assaleh, GenieKnows - - "A Virtual Oceanographic Data Center"
(Sean McCleese, Chris Mattmann, Rob Raskin, Dan Crichton and Sean Hardman, NASA JPL / USC) - "Creating Your Own Web-Deployed Street Map Using Open Source Software and Free Data"
(Christopher Adams and Tony Abou-Assaleh, GenieKnows - - "Towards a Semantic Web Environment for XBRL"
(Sheila Mendez Nunez, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo and Javier de Andres. University of Oviedo) - "Using the Web as our Content Management System on the BBC Music Beta.
(Patrick Sinclair, Nicholas Humfrey, Yves Raimond, Tom Scott and Michael Smethurst. BBC Audio and Music Interactive). - "Improving interaction via screen reader using ARIA: An example"
(Marina Buzzi, Maria Claudia Buzzi, Barbara Leporini and Caterina Senette. National Research Council, Pisa, Italy)
16:30-18:00 Data and the Cloud
- "A web-based rights management system for developing trusted value networks"
(Victor Torres, Jaime Delgado, Xavier Maronas, Silvia Llorente and Marc Gauvin. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, NetPortedItems S.L.) - "Silk A Link Discovery Framework for the Web of Data"
(Christian Bizer, Julius Volz and Georgi Kobilarov. Freie Universitat Berlin, Chemnitz University of Technology)" - "A REST Architecture for Social Disaster Management"
( Julio Camarero and Carlos A. Iglesias. ETSI Telecomunicacion-UPM)