Refereed Papers
| Browsers and User Interfaces |
Data Mining |
Industrial Practice and Experience |
| Internet Monetization |
Mobility |
Performance and Scalability |
Rich Media |
Search |
| Security and Privacy |
Semantic / Data Web |
Social Networks and Web 2.0 |
| Technology for Developing Regions |
Web Engineering |
WWW in China |
XML and Web Data |
Developers Track |
Panels |
Posters |
Tutorials |
The Web consists of billions of pages containing insights and information pertaining to all walks of life. This information is heterogeneous in language, style, format, focus, purpose, content, linking behavior and quality. Search engines are invaluable tools that enable users to explore and access this complex and chaotic sea of information, and they continue to increase their effectiveness by improving existing keyword and link-based search methods and by exploiting new types of information such as user generated content, usage logs, and more.
The Search track welcomes contributions related to any area of Web search, including but not restricted to the following:
Search engine design and architecture
Basic search engine infrastructure: crawling, indexing, and query processing
Artifacts of search interaction: click-through streams, query logs, etc.
Web specific technologies: the use of link analysis, tags and other metadata, keyword and contextual ads
Matching and relevance-ranking of advertisements
Data-specific web search: multimedia, blogs, news, research papers, e-commerce
Integration of structured and unstructured data, multifaceted search
Search as an enabler of higher-level applications - Implicit Search and Information Supply, mashups
Personalized search - location, context and activity-aware search
Social search and the use of "human computing" in web search
Searching for entities rather than documents, sub-document retrieval
Query and search-user modeling
Search interfaces, natural language interfaces to search, summarization, post processing tools and feedback
Search-motivated characterizations of the web
Distributed and peer-to-peer search
Meta-search and rank aggregation
Enterprise and desktop search
Search and standards: RSS/ATOM, OpenSearch
The Program Committee will give preference to:
- Papers describing applications of wide interest over theoretic papers appealing to specialists.
- Papers dealing with recent trends in search over contributions to well-explored and established techniques.
Paper formatting requirements will be provided on the submissions page.
- Deputy Chair:
Junghoo Cho (UCLA, USA) -
Program Committee:
Alistair Moffat (University of Melbourne)
Altigran Silva (Federal University of Amazonas)
Amy Langville (College of Charleston)
Andras A. Benczur (Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Antonio Gulli (
Berthier Ribeiro-Neto (Google Engineering Belo Horizonte & CS Dept., UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Brian Davison (Lehigh University)
Carlos Castillo (Yahoo! Research Labs, Barcelona)
Charles Clarke (University of Waterloo)
Christopher Olston (Yahoo! Research)
Davood Rafiei (University of Alberta and Google)
Debora Donato (Yahoo! Research Barcelona)
Donald Metzler (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Edleno Silva De Moura (Universidade Federal do Amazonas)
Einat Amitay (IBM Research)
Eric Brown (IBM TJ Watson Research Center)
Evgeniy Gabrilovich (Yahoo! Research)
Fabrizio Silvestri (ISTI 鈥�7 CNR)
Gabriella Pasi (Universit degli STudi di Milano Bicocca)
Georgia Koutrika Stanford University
Gloria Bordogna (CNR IDPA)
Gonzalo Navarro (University of Chile)
Hang Li (Microsoft Research Asia)
Hongyuan Zha (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Hui Fang (UIUC)
Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow)
Jamie Callan (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jan Pedersen (Yahoo! Inc.)
Lillian Lee (Cornell University)
Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Marcus Fontoura (Yahoo! Research)
Massimo Melucci (University of Padua)
Maxim Gurevich (Technion)
Min Zhang (Tsinghua University)
Monika Henzinger (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne & Google)
Nadav Eiron (Google Inc.)
Neel Sundaresan (eBay Research Labs)
Nick Craswell (Microsoft)
Noriko Kando (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo)
Omar Alonso (
Panayiotis Tsaparas (Microsoft Research)
Paolo Boldi DSI (Universit degli Studi di Milano)
Paolo Ferragina (University of Pisa)
Prasad Deshpande (IBM India Research Lab)
Sebastiano Vigna (Universit degli Studi di Milano)
Sivakumar D (Google, Inc.)
Soumen Chakrabarti (IIT Bombay)
Sriram Raghavan (IBM Almaden Research Center)
Tao Yang ( and UCSB)
Tie-Yan Liu (Microsoft Research Asia)
Torsten Suel (Polytechnic University)
Trystan Upstill (Google Inc.)
Vanja Josifovski (Yahoo! Research)
Yaniv Bernstein (Google Inc.)
Zheng Chen (Microsoft Research Asia)
Ziv Bar-Yossef (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and Google Haifa)