MetaMagic: Generating Virtual Web Sites through Data Modeling

Leon Shklar, David Makower and Weiyeh Lee
Pencom Systems, Inc., 40 Fulton St., New-York, NY 10038
{ leon | davemak | weiyeh }


With the tremendous growth of the World-Wide Web, accessing information on the Internet has become less a question of determining whether the information is out there, but rather, in what form, and how to find it. New sites often duplicate information that is already available in a different form, multiplying data storage and maintenance costs. Instead, we can use metadata to construct specialized models of heterogeneous information by defining search and presentation layers on top of existing resources. We introduce the notion of an abstract data source, which provides seamless access to both physical information resources and logical views. Instead of designing yet another search engine, we enable the creation of virtual containers that logically group related resources and may be associated with any available indexing technology. We have designed and implemented a hierarchy of Java classes that support data modeling capabilities. These classes extend object-oriented functionality currently provided by W3C's Jigsaw server, and are capable of being adapted to work with the coming generation of object-oriented Web servers.

1.0 Introduction

The World-Wide Web is continuing to grow, and while it has become easier to make information available on the Web, it is often impossible to obtain access to exactly the right information in the right form. As a result, organizations and individuals have devoted substantial effort and expense to the task of building new Web sites by copying and reformatting data that already exists on the Internet. Corporations, recognizing the power of the Web browser as the "universal client" for accessing corporate data, are devoting millions of man-hours to duplicating and adapting legacy data into forms more suitable for presentation on a Web-based Intranet. This leads to multiplied data-maintenance costs and the proliferation of obsolete data. Such problems may be avoided by keeping the original data in place and using metadata to support the desired search and presentation of existing resources.

Our model focuses on the creation of MetaMagicTM resources, logical entities that use metadata to retrieve their content by accessing one or more data sources and that have one or more methods of presenting that content via the Web. Our notion of a data source is abstract, in that a data source may represent a local file, a URL, a database query, or any other entity that may yield a stream of data. The notion is also recursive; a MetaMagic resource utilizes data sources in order to access its content, but also, through its presentation method (or methods), may itself be utilized as a data source. To support customized search, we enable the creation of virtual containers, logical groupings of related MetaMagic resources that may be associated with any available content-based indexing technology. These containers, in turn, are grouped together into repositories to form a virtual Web site.

An important advantage of our solution is advanced support for automated generation of MetaMagic resources. As in [shk95-2], we define and implement high-level operations to control data analysis and metadata generation, as well as logical grouping of resources based on search, traversal, and presentation requirements. We provide a form-based interface to repository generation and are currently working on evolving the operations into a high-level modeling language. The metadata generation process is closely integrated with content presentation, which is important for maintaining referential integrity of MetaMagic resources.

In addition to supporting flexible access to existing information, MetaMagic provides a reason to seriously rethink the way to design and build new Web sites. With MetaMagic supporting multiple dynamic views of the same data, it becomes beneficial to separate content from presentation. The main task of the site design is then to logically collect the content in the most transparent form (e.g., plain text files or database entries), without moving data to a single file system or redesigning data maintenance procedures. An important additional benefit of such approach is in protecting Web sites from the assault of new presentation technologies that have long outdated early HTML pages. Achieving a cutting-edge presentation would only involve upgrading presentation methods without changing physical content.

Instead of implementing yet another HTTP server in order to support the MetaMagic model, we have designed and implemented a hierarchy of Java classes that support data modeling capabilities. These classes extend functionality currently provided by W3C's object-oriented Jigsaw server [bai96], and are capable of being adapted to work with the coming generation of commercial object-oriented Web servers.

In the following section, we introduce the MetaMagic model, centered around the notion of a data source. We discuss basic operations for generating metadata entities that implement MetaMagic resources. We discuss MetaMagic architecture and implementation in section 3.0. In section 4.0 we discuss a sample MetaMagic application for imposing different views on Internet Requests for Comments (RFCs). Section 5.0 discusses related work and is followed by conclusions and our plans for future work.

Figure 1

Fig. 1. Classification of resources.

2.0 The MetaMagic Model

The MetaMagic object model is defined to provide seamless access to static and dynamic information resources (fig. 1). We use the term resource to refer to an object exported by a Web server. Static resources map directly to the file system objects: directories, files, etc. Dynamic resources generate their content upon request. We are interested in a special kind of dynamic resources, logical resources, which are represented by object specifications. We refer to the rest of the resources as physical, implying that they are either static or, if dynamic, are generated by running executables that are directly specified in the requests. In MetaMagic, we create logical resources that are composed of metadata attributes. At presentation time, when a request for such a resource arrives at the MetaMagic server, these metadata attributes, in combination with the request information, determine content of the reply.

We begin this section by defining the notion of a data source (section 2.1). This notion is central to the concept of MetaMagic resources, described in section 2.2. Finally, in section 2.3, we discuss operations for generating and logically grouping together MetaMagic resources to support the desired search and presentation of the original information.

2.1 Data Sources

A MetaMagic data source is an abstraction for an entity that can present its content as a data stream. To support such an abstraction, it is necessary to first retrieve the content, optionally process it in some way, and then present the result as a stream. Data sources may contain access-descriptive metadata attributes [shk95-1], which control the retrieval of physical information, as well as additional attributes to facilitate intermediate processing. A data source may be either of the following:
  1. A simple data source, which contains access-descriptive metadata attributes.
  2. A derived data source, which instead contains references to other data sources.
For example, a text file referenced by a gopher URL may be represented by a simple data source. On request, the data source obtains the file content from the gopher server, and presents it as a stream. A financial stock report, on the other hand, may be represented by a derived data source containing references to other data sources (price quote, price history, news wire, advertisements). The advertisement data source may be yet another derived data source, containing references to other heterogeneous data sources, etc.

Although various data sources may use different retrieval mechanisms, all of them maintain the same interface for presenting their content. For example, a data source for an HTTP URL obtains content through the HTTP get request, while a data source for an SQL query may execute a shell command utilizing an ad-hoc query tool. Regardless of these differences, both present their content as a stream after receiving a "present content" request.

2.2 MetaMagic Resources

A MetaMagic resource is a data source capable of packaging its content as an HTTP response. MetaMagic resources can be collected into virtual containers. A virtual container is a MetaMagic resource possessing an interface for listing its component resources. MetaMagic resources that are not virtual containers are called leaf resources. In addition to component resources, virtual containers may be associated with descriptive content. By default, the content of a virtual container is a listing of its component resources. Alternatively, the content may be a textual description or a query front-end to independent data structures (e.g., full-text indices) referencing component resources.

Consider, for example, a collection of papers on the topic of maintaining reference integrity on the Web. One way of providing access to these papers is to associate a MetaMagic resource with every paper and then to collect these resources as components of a virtual container. To represent the content of the container resource, we associate it with two data sources: one that presents a general description of the problem of maintaining referential integrity, and another that presents a WAIS index of the papers. To present itself via the Web the virtual container might generate formatted HTML, consisting of the general description followed by a search form.

2.3 MetaMagic Repositories

A MetaMagic repository is a collection of leaf resources and virtual containers. At the top level of a MetaMagic repository is a virtual container that logically groups together all other resources (directly or through other containers). This is called the root of the repository. Repositories are specified by sequences of MetaMagic operations that, when executed, produce resources that constitute these repositories. In the remainder of this section, we discuss the most important operations and ways of combining them into repository specifications.

Encapsulation is the process of analyzing a data stream to generate leaf resources associated with portions of the data. It is this analysis that yields the access-descriptive and content-descriptive metadata attributes that constitute the leaf resources. The encapsulate operation generates leaf resources when supplied with a data stream and an encapsulation type, which controls the selection of a data analysis method. Data analysis methods, which are ultimately responsible for generating MetaMagic resources, follow a common pattern and are implemented by extending abstract classes.

The index operation supports generation of MetaMagic resources associated with query interfaces. The operation generates a new leaf resource when supplied with a set of resources and an encapsulation type, which, in this context, controls the selection of third-party indexing technologies. These technologies (e.g., WAIS, Excite, etc.) are used to index the contents and/or metadata attributes of supplied resources. The new leaf resource contains references to the generated index and to a cross-reference table that gets generated by the same operation and that is necessary for mapping the results of future queries into MetaMagic resources.

Another core operation is the group operation, which is responsible for combining resources into virtual containers. It generates a new virtual container resource when supplied with a set of resources. We have defined set union and set intersection operations to support the formation of such sets. We also have defined the extend operation that supports adding descriptive content to a virtual container resource. The primary objective of this operation is to associate descriptions and query interfaces with container resources (section 2.2).

At this time, access to individual operations is provided through their API (section 3.3.2). Specification of a new repository structure involves subclassing the abstract MetaMagicRepository class and overriding the "generate" method, which is responsible for building new metadata repositories. However, the operations were designed to be naturally combined in a high-level scripting language that would also include set variables and set iterations. Both the scripting language and its visual front-end are currently under development and are not discussed in this paper.

3.0 System Architecture

We begin this section by discussing our approach of implementing MetaMagic as a set of classes that are portable across different servers. We then discuss processing of HTTP requests by "MetaMagic-enabled" servers. In the rest of this section, we provide some details of the MetaMagic classes as currently implemented.

3.1 The Web Server as a Platform

Although the MetaMagic model embodies a fundamental departure from the manner in which a typical Web server accesses and presents information, it has never been our intention to design and implement our own HTTP server. Instead, we set out to design and implement a hierarchy of classes that would work with a variety of emerging extensible servers.

Albeit with certain qualifications, the choice of Java as an implementation language allows us to take platform-independence in the traditional sense for granted. Instead, we consider portability in terms of server platforms. In this context, the challenge is to ensure that our class hierarchy is general enough to extend different HTTP servers.

We have formulated a number of requirements for HTTP servers that qualify them as acceptable MetaMagic platforms:

  1. The server is object-oriented in the sense that it models exportable information resources as objects.
  2. The server supports the registration of non-physical entities in its exportable space, or may be extended to support such functionality.
  3. The server provides methods that look up and return references to objects registered in its exportable space.
  4. The server provides an extension API whereby attributes and behavior may be defined for new subclasses of server resource objects.
  5. Some mechanism for object serialization and persistence is available, whether provided by the server or the implementation language. This mechanism is desirable so that MetaMagic objects need not remain constantly in memory, and will persist across invocations of the server.

Having adopted such an approach, we determined that the Jigsaw reference server from W3C was the natural and obvious choice as the basis for our initial prototyping. Jigsaw is implemented in Java and provides a Java API with all of our required features. Furthermore, the Jigsaw server is publicly available, including complete source code.

Although some of the classes in our hierarchy extend those provided by the Jigsaw API, every attempt has been made to ensure that the design itself relies upon the minimal set of requirements specified earlier in this section. Jigsaw is currently unique in providing all of these features simultaneously, but we are confident that the coming generation of object-oriented commercial servers will have the extensibility characteristics necessary to support the MetaMagic model. In support of this assertion, we note the following:

  1. All of the major commercial server vendors are members of W3C, and as such have a voice in W3C affairs and priorities.
  2. Members in W3C have direct access to Jigsaw's source code, and may use any portion of it, royalty free, in commercial products.
  3. Servers are already becoming available that are written in Java, and support extension APIs. Examples include:
  4. Support for object serialization is currently being incorporated into version 1.1 of the Java Developer's Kit (JDK).

3.2 Processing HTTP Requests

When the Jigsaw server receives an HTTP request, it initiates a lookup process, creating a LookupState object from the path information of the requested URL (fig. 2). The path information is broken into slash-separated components, each of which maps to some server resource (such as a directory, a file, etc.). It is the job of each of these resources to look up the next component and pass on the request, along with the remaining path information. This iterative process continues until either the components are exhausted or a resource is reached that is not a directory. This final resource is the target of the lookup operation, and is referenced by a field of the LookupResult object.

MetaMagic virtual container resources (see section 2.2) play a similar role in the lookup process to that of directories. The URL of a MetaMagic virtual container resource looks just like that of any normal directory:
The URL of a MetaMagic leaf resource contained within such a container may look like:
Note that my_virtual_container and my_resource appear in the path information of the URL, even though these paths do not map to file system objects.

Figure 2
Fig. 2. Processing HTTP Requests.

If the Jigsaw server is MetaMagic-enabled but the target of the lookup is not a MetaMagic resource, then the server simply processes this request as if MetaMagic classes were not there. If, however, the lookup refers to a MetaMagic resource, then that resource responds by sending a presentContent() message to itself, initiating the following procedure:

  1. The MetaMagic resource utilizes its access-descriptive metadata attributes to obtain data source identifiers, and passes these to the DataSourceFactory to instantiate the appropriate data source classes.
  2. Having obtained references to its data source objects, the MetaMagic resource invokes the presentContent() method for each data source, obtaining its content as an InputStream.
  3. Now the MetaMagic resource can read from the InputStreams provided by its data sources, filtering, integrating, processing or interpreting these streams to generate its own content.
  4. After processing its data sources, the MetaMagic resource creates an InputStream containing the generated content. This stream is returned by the getContent() method.

To complete its response to the HTTP request, the MetaMagic resource attaches the generated content to an HTTPReply object, fills in any applicable HTTP header fields in the reply, and then passes the reply to the server to send back to the browser.

Note that the MetaMagic resource, rather than the server, is responsible for attaching the reply header. This has important implications, particularly for the Content-type field. While a typical Web server sets the Content-type field based upon a configurable but static mapping between file extensions and MIME types, MetaMagic resources set their MIME types dynamically at presentation time. This allows a single MetaMagic resource to present its content flexibly, based on information that may be passed in through the HTTP request.

3.3 MetaMagic Classes

The classes that comprise the MetaMagic hierarchy can be divided into three main categories, based on their overall functionality:
  1. Data Access
  2. Encapsulation and Repository Management
  3. Presentation

3.3.1 Data Access Classes

The most important of the data access classes is, of course, the DataSource interface. We have implemented DataSource as a Java interface in order to take maximum advantage of code reuse. Any Java class may be easily extended and made to implement the DataSource interface.

Since a Java interface is essentially a special kind of an abstract class, and cannot be directly instantiated, the instantiation of DataSources is supported through the DataSourceFactory class. Every DataSource has a unique identifier in the form of a URL (e.g., http://..., jdbc://..., etc.). The identifier is passed as an argument to the DataSourceFactory's createDataSource() method to help it select a class to be instantiated. Having selected the class, the createDataSource() method creates an instance of this class, and returns a reference to the resulting object. The DataSourceFactory is designed to be configurable, so that even within one server, different DataSourceFactory objects may have different rules for creating DataSources, and different mappings between unique identifiers and DataSource classes.

We have implemented several classes for simple DataSources, such as FileDataSource, FtpDataSource, HTTPDataSource, and GopherDataSource, as well as several derived DataSource classes, which will be discussed in section 3.3.3.

3.3.2 Encapsulation and Repository Management Classes

The first operation that must be performed to generate a repository is the encapsulate operation. To support this operation, we define a class Encapsulator with an abstract method encapsulate(). Subclasses of Encapsulator must implement this method in order to provide a specification for the analysis of data streams.

Recall that the encapsulate operation takes as its input one or more data streams and an encapsulation type. The data streams are specified by DataSources passed to the constructor of the Encapsulator. The encapsulation type is determined by the class of the Encapsulator, whose distinctiveness lies in the analysis specified by its encapsulate() method.

Figure 3
Fig. 3. The encapsulation process.

While performing the analysis, the Encapsulator obtains metadata, which it stores in MetaDataNode objects (see fig. 3). On completion of the analysis, these objects are returned as a set. Each instance of MetaDataNode is essentially a collection of name-value pairs, and may contain references to a parent node and zero or more child nodes. Neither parent nor child references are set by the encapsulate() method; parent-child relationships are established later by the group operation.

Although the encapsulate operation, as defined in section 2.2, is responsible for generating a set of leaf resources, the MetaDataNodes generated by our Encapsulators are actually intermediate objects that are only later translated into leaf resources. There are two motivations for this approach. First, encapsulation is a bottom-up process: the leaves are generated, and then grouped into containers. However, registering Jigsaw resources, like creating file-system objects, is a top-down process: only after a directory has been created may files be placed in it. Thus, it makes sense to build a hierarchy of MetaDataNodes first, and only make the translation into Jigsaw resources after the hierarchy is completed. The second advantage of this approach is that the process of building the hierarchy remains independent of Jigsaw's architecture.

Figure 4
Fig. 4. Grouping Sets into a Hierarchy.

After the Encapsulators have analyzed their streams, and each has returned a set of MetaDataNodes, set operations may be performed in order to remove elements from the sets, combine sets, or create new sets from existing elements. Sets of MetaDataNodes are then grouped together by creating a new MetaDataNode to contain them. The group operation is illustrated in fig. 4. The container node is designated as the parent, and the contained nodes become its children.

Figure 5
Fig. 5. Converting MetaDataNodes to Jigsaw resources.

Finally, after the MetaDataNodes have been arranged in a suitable hierarchy, the nodes are converted into Jigsaw resources and installed into the server's information space, in a configuration mirroring the hierarchy of MetaDataNodes (fig. 5). This is accomplished via a pre-order traversal of the hierarchy, converting each MetaDataNode as it is visited. MetaDataNodes with children are converted into VirtualContainerResources, and those without children are converted into LeafResources (see section 3.3.3).

Currently, the above process is specified by subclassing MetaRepository and implementing the generate() method. However, it is our intention to create a scripting language so that creating new types of MetaRepository will not require writing and compiling Java code. With this in mind, we have defined an abstract class Operation, and several subclasses implementing operations that comprise the repository generation process.

Current subclasses of Operation include the following:

CreateEncapsulator, Encapsulate
These classes implement the encapsulate operation.

SetUnion, SetIntersection, ForEach
These classes implement operations supporting the manipulation of sets returned by the encapsulation process. The ForEach operation supports iteration over elements of a set.

This class implements the index operation. It utilizes third-party indexing technologies to create content-based and metadata-based indices for a set of nodes returned by the encapsulation process. The operation generates an IndexNode that presents its content as a query interface.

CreateContainerNode, ExtendContainer
These classes implement the group and extend operations. CreateContainerNode takes a set of MetaDataNodes and makes them the children of a new MetaDataNode; ExtendContainer adds MetaDataNodes as children to an existing container node. Normally, all children will have been grouped together prior to creating the ContainerNode, so ExtendContainer serves primarily for adding child nodes that either contain content describing the ContainerNode or provide query interfaces to its elements. The special treatment of such child nodes is supported by the so-called favorite child mechanism that will be described in section 3.3.3).

This operation recursively converts a MetaDataNode and all of its children into Jigsaw resources, registering them with the server as it traverses the hierarchy.

3.3.3 Presentation Classes

For the purposes of this section, we will use the term presentation classes to refer to classes that implement MetaMagic resources. These classes not only implement the DataSource interface, but also include methods for presenting their content in the form of an HTTP response.

Figure 6
Fig. 6.Modified Booch notation for a LeafResource presenting its content.

We implemented LeafResource as an extension of the Jigsaw class w3c.jigsaw.resources.FilteredResource. This class provides all the basic functionality of an exportable Jigsaw object, but unlike w3c.jigsaw.resources.FileResource, it does not imply a physical file system location. Recall that a LeafResource is a derived DataSource, which presents its content utilizing the streams presented by other DataSources. Fig. 6 shows an object-oriented view of this scenario, using a slightly modified Booch [boo94] notation. Note the correlation between this diagram and fig. 2, which shows the process-oriented view of handling an HTTP request.

For VirtualContainerResource, we took a slightly different approach, and extended w3c.jigsaw.resources.DirectoryResource rather than the more abstract and skeletal w3c.jigsaw.resources.ContainerResource. This was because we wanted VirtualContainerResource to have much of the same functionality as a normal directory, and it was relatively easy to override any behavior of DirectoryResource that depended upon physical directories. From there, we were able to add behavior specific to VirtualContainerResource.

Particularly interesting is the case where an instance of VirtualContainerResource has descriptive content of its own, as in the general description and search query example described in section 2.2. To present such content, we were able to adapt a mechanism already built into most Web servers: the ability to designate a default resource to be returned in response to a request for a URL that denotes a directory. In a typical non-MetaMagic server environment, this default resource conventionally has a name such as index.html, default.html or Overview.html.

We developed an extension of this mechanism, which we have termed the favorite child mechanism. This mechanism differs slightly from the default resource mechanism; while a directory on a typical Web server may have at most one default resource, a MetaMagic VirtualContainerResource may have any number of favorite children. By default, a VirtualContainerResource concatenates the content of its favorite children in order to present itself, but may be extended to provide different behavior. If a VirtualContainerResource has no children marked as favorite, then it presents its content simply by listing all children.

Figure 7 Figure 8a Figure 8b
Fig. 7. Fig. 8a. Fig. 8b.

4.0 Sample Application

In this section, we demonstrate using MetaMagic to achieve flexible presentation of Internet RFCs. The screen dumps shown in figures 7 and 8 illustrate two different MetaMagic views imposed on the original plain text of RFC 1738, available at

First, the encapsulation process associates MetaMagic resources with the smallest logical units of information, which, depending on the desired view, may be either sections or subsections of the RFC. Every such resource is also a data source, which, when instantiated, creates and stores information describing where to obtain and how to process the content of RFC 1738 to extract the encapsulated content. When an RFC resource is required to present its content, it fetches the file from the ftp site, extracts the proper section or subsection, converts it to HTML, and generates an HTTP response.

Figures 7 and 8 illustrate two alternative views imposed on the RFC 1738. In both views, the document is presented as a general description plus hyperlinks to individual sections (fig. 7). However, the presentation of sections is quite different for the two views (figures 8a and 8b). In the first case section resources present themselves by displaying the full contents of the encapsulated sections (fig. 8a). In the second case, section resources are presented through headers, which are hyperlinked to resources encapsulating individual subsections.

5.0 Related Work

There have been a number of recent attempts to apply a data-modeling approach to designing and building Web sites. The "CorbaWeb" work [mer96] shares some of its goals and objectives with MetaMagic but provides a different solution. CorbaWeb is based on using CGI gateways to provide access to CORBA objects belonging to the same Shared Information Space (SIS). SIS is defined outside of the Web servers' realms, hence the need to use the ad-hoc CGI mechanism. CorbaWeb proposes its own scripting language, CorbaScript, which is a shell-level language aimed at implementing interfaces. This differs from the MetaMagic scripting language, which is designed to support building executable specifications of information repositories.

Closely related to CorbaWeb is the "ANSA Workprogramme" [ree95], which focuses on using CORBA to optimize the communication problems of HTTP by using CORBA's more advanced IIOP communications protocol. In the simplest form, they propose IIOP-to-HTTP and HTTP-to-IIOP gateways. In the future, they hope to add IIOP support to Web browsers and to build native IIOP servers. The work concentrates on the details of using CORBA rather than on defining abstractions.

"InfoHarness" is another example of the use of data modeling for building Web sites [shk95-1]. This earlier work was targeted primarily at providing Web access to legacy information, and the InfoHarness object model did not provide for the encapsulation of logical resources. InfoHarness objects were served by a proprietary server through a CGI interface and object specifications were loaded into the main memory when the server came up. A commercial version of the system stores object specifications in a relational database.

In contrast to papers that concentrate on constructing and accessing server-based object frameworks, the "Distributed Active Objects" work [bro96] applies object-oriented approach to building distributed applets. In the context of this work, applets have very relaxed communication restrictions, which raises a variety of security concerns. We do not believe that it is beneficial to consider client-side objects out of the context of server-based object networks.

6.0 Conclusions and Future Work

We believe MetaMagic to be a step in changing the approach to building Web sites because it provides technology for separating information content from its presentation. This division maps neatly to practical reality: content often changes independently of the method for presenting it, and vice versa. As new extensions to HTML find their way into the latest browsers, only the presentation methods of a MetaMagic-enabled Web site need to change in order to remain in step with cutting-edge trends; the content does not need to change. Conversely, as content is updated, presentation methods can remain the same, providing a consistent look-and-feel to a Web site. It is clear that the double advantage of separating content from presentation is desirable for both the Internet and the corporate Intranets. MetaMagic enables a very smooth transition to this new approach because it was created to provide flexible access to legacy data.

In addition to streamlining Web site design, MetaMagic provides very high flexibility in personalizing data presentation based on client information. We foresee many possible applications for such personalization, including, but not limited to:

Our current work is mainly concentrated on designing and implementing a scripting language for building information repositories and a visual front-end for this language. We are also investigating ways to maintain referential integrity of both logical and physical resources.

7.0 Acknowledgements

The authors wish to thank Ravi Kollipara, Craig Vodnik, Bill Ulrich, and Evan Maloney for their contributions to the implementation of MetaMagic. The authors also wish to thank Edith Au, Patricia Ju, Tom Stewart, and Miles O'Neal for valuable feedback.

8.0 References

A. Baird-Smith. Jigsaw: An object-oriented server, Design document. World Wide Web Consortium, 1996.

G. Booch. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, Second Edition. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley, 1994.

M. Brown and M. Najork. Distributed Active Objects, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 28(7/11), Special Issue on the Fifth International WWW Conference'96, pp.1037-1052. Elsevier Science, 1996.

P. Merle, C. Gransart, J.-M. Geib, CorbaWeb: A Generic Object Navigator, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 28(7/11), Special Issue on the Fifth International WWW Conference'96, pp.1269-1282. Elsevier Science, 1996.

O. Rees, N. Edwards, M. Madsen, M. Beasley and A. McClenaghan. A Web of Distributed Objects, In Proceedings of the Fourth International WWW Conference'95, pp.75-88. O'Reilly & Assoc., 1995.

L. Shklar, A. Sheth, V. Kashyap, and K. Shah. InfoHarness: Use of Automatically Generated Metadata for Search and Retrieval of Heterogeneous Information, Proceedings of CAiSE'95, June 12-16, Jyvaskyla, Finland, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science #932.

L. Shklar, K. Shah, and C. Basu, " Putting Legacy Data on the Web: A Repository Definition Language", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 27(6), Special Issue on the Third International WWW Conference'95, pp.939-952. Elsevier Science, 1995.

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