SeniorNet-Access for Older People

Peter Esty []

Senior Net

SeniorNet is a 10-year-old nonprofit, based in San Francisco with the mission to provide older adults education for and access to computer technologies to enable them to enhance their lives and share their wisdom and experiences. SeniorNet currently has over 22,000 members and offers computer classes at over 100 Learning Centers around the country. In addition, they host two thriving online communities providing resources for and engagement of the senior community. All of the instructors in their Learning Centers, and all of their online hosts are volunteers. At any one time, SeniorNet has over 1,500 active volunteers. Over 75,000 adults age 55 and over have been introduced to computers through SeniorNet. As SeniorNet advances its fundamental purpose of access, it is reaching out in new ways to disadvantaged and underserved older populations. Mr. Peter Esty, a prominent educator, assumed the role of President of SeniorNet effective September 1, 1996. Peter is a leader with a proven track record in building and enhancing educational institutions. He brings experience in leadership, development and service that continues to expand the SeniorNet community.

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