WWW6: opening keynote address

gerhard casper, president of the stanford university opened the sixth World Wide Web conference at the santa clara convention center in california, USA. the overall theme of the conference was "everyone, everything, connected". the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) had set up the first WebSite in the U.S. and - together with the stanford university - hosts the WWW6.

my guess is that there were over 1000 attendees present in the room. gerhard casper mentioned that people form 40 different countries came to WWW6 and that about half of the attendees came from academic organizations and the other half from commercial organizations. he also invited people to visit the stanford university, either at www - dot - stanford - dot - edu or via US - dot - 101 ...

all plenary sessions were simultaneously translated in "sign language", which i found very impressive to watch. on the other hand, there were some complaints because there was no simultaneous translation into other spoken languages (a service that was provided last year in paris).

dr. mae jemison

dr. mae jemison was a former space shuttle astronaut and runs now her own company called the jemison group inc. it was a pleasure to follow her talk. these are some of the quotes i liked best (there is no guarantee however, that these quotes are correct and accurate):

"having access (to the Web) does not only mean, can i play, but can i help to set the rules ?"

"some scientists seem to believe that their responsibility is only research and that it is up to the society what they do with it. this is not true."

"science means: i think, i wonder, i understand"

there are three things that are important for everyone all around the world: love, security and trust"

thomas kalil

thomas kalil is currently a senior director to the National Economic Council (NEC), an organization created by president clinton to coordinate economic policy. he presented and explained three initiatives currently supported by the administration:

  1. connecting people with disabilities to the Web
  2. connecting every student to the Web
  3. connecting people in africa to the Web

the government provides funding for projects that address these issues.

to the WWW6 trip report main document

opening_session.html / 09-may-1997 (ra) / reto ambühler
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