WWW5: opening session

welcome address:

jean-françois abramatic from INRIA opened the 5th World Wide Web conference. he remembered how it was back in december 95, when he announced "his" conference in boston:

  1. in the closing session of the 4th WWW conference, robert metcalfe, vice president of technology from international data group, predicted: "the Web will collapse during 1996".
  2. the second "Web" he was concerned with, had already collapsed: the metro in paris was on strike at that time.

so he was about to manage a conference about something that is going to collapse in a city whose public transportation system had already collapsed ... but i think everyone will agree, he did a great job !

conference introduction:

bob hopgood from SLAC announced the 6th World Wide Web conference which will take place in santa clara, california from april 7 to april 12 1997.

tribute to yuri rubinsky:

yuri rubinsky, a founder of apple and now president of SoftQuad, also a member of the "International World Wide Web Conference Committee" (IW3C2), died in january 1996. he was a publisher since he was ten years old and he was acknowledged as THE SGML guru. a friend and fellow worker at SoftQuad recalled some special moments in yuri rubinsky's life in a very touching way. the SGML and the Web community has lost a very special member and we shall always remember him.

keynote presentations:

jean-jacques damlamian from france télécom talked about Web-based services. france télécom has introduced the minitel many years ago. there is now an evolution from minitel to the Internet. jean-jacques envisions a "superphone", a phone with a screen to have even faster access to more information. the telecom companies need to "share the cake with others", as he said. to do so, it is necessary to enlarge "the cake".
the Internet supports small and young companies with its services. until now, these services were for free, but this will change, he said.

the main message from john r. patrick from IBM was "everything is changing". to him, things that will or have to change are:

back to WWW5 main document.

WWW5 opening_session / 07-jun-96 (ra) / reto ambühler
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