Logging Traces of Web Activity: The Mechanics of Data Collection


Workshop Programme



Tuesday, May 23, 2006

9:00 – 10:30

Opening Ceremony. Plenary Session, The New Economy


10:30 – 11:00

Coffee Break


11:00 – 1:30

Opening statement by Don Turnbull

Session 1: Client vs. Proxy vs. Server Logging


Presentation of position papers (10 minutes per paper)


1.        Logging Usage of AJAX Applications With the “UsaProxyHTTProxy

Richard Atterer, Media Informatics Group, University of Munich


2.       Logging IE: Barriers to Studying User Behaviour on the Web

Melanie Kellar, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University


3.       Coupling Logfile Analysis and Content Management Systems for Improved Information Architecture

Roland Mücke, IMISE, University Leipzig

Matthias Löbe, IMISE, University Leipzig


Panel : Client vs. Proxy vs. Server logging (30 minutes)

Melanie Kellar (moderator)

Richard Atterer

Roland Mücke, Matthias Löbe


Mini Break (15 minutes)

Session 2: Collecting Natural User Behaviour


Presentation of position papers (10 minutes per paper)


1.        The Wrapper: An Open Source Application for Logging User-System Interactions during Searching Studies

Bernard J. Jansen, College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University


2.        All You Need Is Log

Nicolas Roussel, Projet In Situ, LRI & INRIA Futurs, Université Paris-Sud

Auréien Tabard, Projet In Situ, LRI & INRIA Futurs, Université Paris-Sud

Catherine Letondal, Pôle Informatique Institue Pasteur


3.       Mission Impossible? Capturing Rich Yet Natural User Behaviour on the Web

Kirstie Hawkey, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University


Panel: Collecting Natural User Behaviour (30 minutes)

Kirstie Hawkey (moderator)

Bernard J. Jansen

Nicolas Roussel, Auréien Tabard



1:30 – 2:00

Lunch Break

Reserved queue for workshop participants


2:00 – 3:30

Session 3: Opportunities for Standardization of Data Collection and Reporting


Presentation of position papers (10 minutes per paper)


1.       A Methodology for Understanding Web Use Logs

Don Turnbull, School of Information, University of Texas at Austin


2.       A Model-Driven Architecture for Logging Navigation

Marco Winckler, LIIHS-IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier

Florence Pontico, LIIHS-IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier


3.        Data Cleaning Methods for Client and Proxy Logs

Harald Weinreich, VSIS, Dept. of Informatics, University of Hamburg

Hartmut Obendorf, ASI, Dept. of Informatics, University of Hamburg

Eelco Herder, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Twente


Panel: Opportunities for Standardization of Data Collection and Reporting (30 minutes)

Don Turnbull (moderator)

Marco Winckler

Harald Weinreich


Session 4: Gaining Additional Knowledge from Web Log Data


Presentation of position papers (10 minutes per paper)


1.       Semantic Web Site Usage Analysis: The ORGAN System

John Garofalakis, Computer Technology Institute and Computer Engineering Dept., Patras University

Theodoula Giannakoudi, Computer Technology Institute and Computer Engineering Dept., Patras University

Evangelos Sakkopoulos, Computer Technology Institute and Computer Engineering Dept., Patras University


2.       Leveraging Event Data with Triangulation & Explicit Methods

K. Andrew (Andy) Edmonds, MSN Search, Microsoft


3.       Limits of the Web Log Analysis Artifacts

Nikolai Buzikashvili, HCI Laboratory, Institute of System Analysis, Russian Academy of Science

Bernard J. Jansen, College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University



3:30 – 4:00

Coffee Break


4:00 – 6:00

Session 4 continued…


4.       Attention Metadata: Collection and Management

Jehad Najjar, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Martin Wolpers, L3S Research Center

Erik Duval, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


5.       Learning About the Online Learner

Rafi Nachmias, School of Education, Tel Aviv University

Arnon Hershkovitz, School of Education, Tel Aviv University


Panel: Gaining Additional Knowledge from Web Log Data (30 minutes)

Andy Edmonds (moderator)

Rafi Nachmias, Arnon Hershkovitz

John Garofalakis, Theodoula Giannakoudi

Jehad Najjar, Martin Wolpers, Erik Duval

Workshop Wrap-up

  • Discuss plans for a repository of data collection tools
  • Workshop report
  • Plans for future collaborations